Sunday, June 10, 2012

Street Party

We had a street party last weekend.

There was a bouncy castle, bbqing, a piñata and an outdoor fire pit.

There was also a soap-box car derby. Maxman and his buddy S-man wanted to build a tandem car. This meant that JEM, S-man's mom and I built a car.

Maxman and S-man painted and named the car. They named her Pink Lemonade. She is beautiful. She does not roll. Not even downhill. She requires constant pushing.

They won a prize anyway.

We are on the hunt for better wheels for next year's race.
The girls test driving during construction.
 Camo taking it for a test drive.
 Camo not going anywhere b/c it doesn't move very well.
Lining up at the start.
Maxman is ready to race. Notice the ice cream in  his hand?
A close up of the racers.
S-man is tossing water balloons at the winner - he hit him!

 The team stalls on the downhill.
 The boys get a hand from the ladies.
 Their loot.
 The girls learning the Chicken Dance.
 Still Chicken Dancing.
 Hops & Barley was a fierce pirate.
Maxman was the one that broke the piñata this year.

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