Thursday, November 17, 2011

Embarrassing Darcy Moment

The sewing machine started acting up lately. Instead of going super speed it would only go chu-chunk....chu-chunk...chu-chunk.

I used it but knew I needed to get it fixed.

I took it in to the Sewing Machine Hospital (that's actually the name of the store).

The sewing machine doctor plugged it in.

It went really slow.

The doctor reached up to the front of the machine and moved the speed toggle from the left to the right.

The machine was fixed.


There was nothing at all wrong with it other than I hadn't read the instruction manual very well.


1 comment:

  1. The things that impress me about this wee anecdote:

    1. You were sewing. Yay!
    2. When something wasn't working you got it fixed. Awesome!
