Sunday, May 08, 2011

To All The Mothers

Happy day to you.

Mostly to my own super-mom who not only tried to teach me to knit, weave, spin and sew (the sewing part actually took), but also taught me to plumb, hammer, drywall, plaster, drive standard, how to apply for a loan from the bank. She taught me how to swim, how to dive, how to windsurf, how to use a drill, and many, many more things that have made me who I am.

She has also taught me, on occasion, what not to do, e.g. do not take your huge cacti outside for the summer where they will thrive and get bigger because then you can't get them back inside for the winter.

Thanks mama I love you.

Max and his friend SSTG had a sleep over last night. At 5:30am I heard them whispering in the kitchen.

They made me breakfast in bed. It was ready at 6:20am. I had butter and jam bread, blackberries, milk and ice cream with chocolate chips.

1 comment:

  1. So cute!! I love that you got breakfast in bed, and I love even more that they included ice cream and chocolate chips in that breakfast - mmm mmm mmm!!
