Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Porch Surprises

Last week I came home one morning and there was a bottle of wine on my front porch. Thank you kind neighbour across the street.

Two days later I came home and there was a huge box on the porch. My neighbour down the street thinks my porch is magical (doesn't the box look like it is smiling at me).

Inside the box was another box. A cupcake stand that holds 38 cupcakes. Ponin sent me it for her birthday.

So sweet lady, here is the stand full of chocolate cupcakes with chocolate buttercream icing and lemon cupcakes with lime buttercream icing.

Happy Birthday.

I almost forgot. Someone claimed the box as their own and demanded that she sleep in it that night. So we let her. Around 10pm we took pity on her and moved her to her own bed. She was oozing out the bottom of the box.

Makes you wish you were here doesn't it?

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