Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dryer Repair

The dryer was working one night. The next morning it just stopped.


This sucks.

I called my mom. She said I had to start trying to fix it and then go from there.

I have repaired my washing machine (read this if you are interested to know how).

So, I went online. I searched various things and found something that sounded right.

I found a video on YouTube on how to repair your dryer when the Thermal Fuse and Cycling Thermostat need to be replaced.

I did the test just like he recommended. Yup, that was my problem.

I went to Reliable Parts (www.reliableparts.ca) and bought my parts for $50. They are amazing and have everything I have ever needed to repair things in the house.

I came home and watched the video two more times.

I fixed the freaking dryer. It works.

My mom said Grandpa Cal would have been proud of me. I told her that's exactly what I'd thought.


  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I am sooooooo impressed you are THE AMAZING DARCY! You can do anything YOU ARE WOMAN LA LA LA!
    Love Moffs

  2. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Go Darcy Go!!!!!!

    Way to go!!

    We saved over $100 on ours when it broke and chris brought home his "super spy" camera on the end of a bendy tube and made a tool out of a hanger.


  3. Anonymous11:51 PM

    You are amazing, I would not have the courage to even try. Just not in the Magnusson genes...

