Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Did I Ever Tell You...

About the time I found a cheque in my driveway (for $5,000.00) and returned it.

That same day I really wanted some wine but couldn't get to the store.

Later that day the person who lost the cheque brought me a bottle of wine.

Good karma baby.

Well...I haven't done anything extra-good today, but I sure would like someone to show up with some cupcakes (extra icing please).

There, now I'll just sit back and wait.

Thank you.

p.s. Avo really wanted to go outside to bike but wouldn't leave her soother in the house. She had a massive tantrum and is now asleep on the front hall carpet with her coat, shoes and bike helmet on. It's 4:30pm, this is a really bad time for a nap.


  1. This is so cute - nothing like a massive tantrum to tire you right out!

  2. This cracked me up.

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Haha she's so cute all exhauted on the floor:) ahhhh the perils of mommyhood, wake her leave her wake her leave her...


  4. No way, too funny!
