Thursday, December 02, 2010


Sometimes I really don't like books that other people love, love, love.

I recently finished reading Jonathan Franzen's book Freedom. I had to force myself to finish it.

I really disliked it. I found it tiresome to read.

I also couldn't read his other book The Corrections. I didn't even get a quarter of the way in.

The other one I didn't finish - The Time Traveler's Wife. Oh, I just couldn't do it.

Anyone out there have a book they just couldn't finish?


  1. Carol Keizer6:28 AM

    Zadie Smith's "White Teeth"....I know! I know! everyone swears by it, and I know its the type of book I would love; but I just can't seem to get into it. Oh yes...and Time Travellers Wife, I watched the movie instead...what's not to love about Eric Bana.

  2. I get it! There all the time. the books I like no one else seems to. My brother gave me a copy of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and I don't want to start it because of the all the hype.

    FYI - I have some books that need new reading homes. Let me know if you want me to bring them out to you. It is an errands week.

  3. Carol - I agree about White Teeth. It was not what I expected and it took me a long time to get through it.

    Judy - I read the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. The first book starts off really slowly and could very easily turn you off the whole series.

  4. See - I enjoyed TTW, but cried at the end. I had "Three cups of Tea" on my nightstand for almost a year bc some one lent it to me but I thought it would be too sad or depressing. Then I picked it up and I was so wrong!
    I'd like more recommendations....

  5. Fun topic! I loved Freedom, but couldn't get through White Teeth. I also didn't like Three Cups of Tea at all but I had to finish it because it was my book club book. Right now I'm reading Memoirs of a Geisha, and it's only OK...I think a lot of people loved it.
    And one final one that I can't possibly get through is Lord of the Rings (please don't throw things at me!)
